Welcome to Control Engineering Laboratory

What's new

Date Contents
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International conference
2024/07/05-07/08 We will join the The 14th Asian Control Conference (ASCC 2024).
2024/07/05-07/08 We will join the IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM).
2024/08/05-08/08 We will join the MoViC (International Conference on Motion and Vibration Control).
2024/08/27-08/30 We will join the SICE FES 2024.
2024/09/18-09/22 We will join the MAGLEV 2024.
2024/09/22-09/26 We will join the 2024 UFFC Joint Symposium (UFFC = Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, Frequency Control).
2025/09/22-09/26 We will join the ISMB 19 (in Japanese).
What's old
2024/06/13-06/14 We joined the Actuator 2024.
2024/06/30-07/03 We joined the EuroHaptics2024.
2023/10/31-11/3 We joined the IWPMA2023.
2022/11/28-12/02 We joined the IEEE Inertial 2023.
2022/06/30 ->12/20 ->2023/02/28 Submit and enjoy your journal to "Special Issue "Magnetic Bearing Actuators II".
2021/03/31 Prof. Mizuno was happy retirement.
He was class changed to emeritus/ senior/ specially appointed professor.
Emeritus/ senior/ specially appointed professor Mizuno can be contacted with the conventional email address and telephone number.
2023/07/09-14 We joined the IFAC World Congress 2023
2023/07/10-13 We joined the IEEE World Haptics 2023
2023/07/18-21 We joined The 18th International Symposium on Magnetic Bearings, ISMB 18
2023/09/03-07 We joined the 2023 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium
2022/11/28-12/02 We joined the ICPE 2022 in Nara
2022/11/18-21 We joined the IEEE IES 25th International Conference on Mechatronics Technology (ICMT2022)
2022/10/10-13 We joined the IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium
2022/10/24-26 We joined the IWPMA 2022
2022/09/07-09/09 We joined The 9th IFAC Symposium on Mechatronic Systems + Movic 2022
2022/06/27-06/30 We joined the ACTUATOR 2022
2021/09/12-09/15 We joined the IEEE IUS 2021
2020/12/08-12/11 We joined the 7th International symposium on magnetic bearings
2021/03/06 We joined the final lecture of Prof. Mizuno. (The lecture is in Japanese.)
2020/04/01 Prof. Mizuno was promoted to dean of faculty of engineering
2020/04/01 A Prof. Yamaguchi was moved to Okayama University
2020/12/08-12/11 We joined the The 15th International Conference on Motion and Vibration Control (MoViC 2020)
2020/12/01-12/04 We joined the 17th International symposium on magnetic bearings
2020/11/23-11/27 We joined The 18th International Conference on Precision Engineering (ICPE2020)
2020/10/18-10/21 We joined The 46th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON 2020)
2020/09/23-09/26 We joined (?) the SICE 2020
2020/09/07-09/11 We joined (?) the IEEE UFFC International Ultrasonics Symposium
2020/07/12-07/15 We joined in virtual the 21st IFAC World Congress
2020/06/16-06/18 We joined the ACTUATOR 2020
2019/12/17-12/19 Proffessors were appeared in the Daily Bangladesh
2019/03/02-08 Reserch collaboration with Rajshahi University of Engineering & Technology (RUET)
2019/12/17-12/19 We joined the International Conference on Mechanical Industrial and Materials Engineering
Daily Bangladesh
2019/11/17-11/21 We joined the Asia Pacific Measurement Forum on Mechanical Quantities, 2019
2019/11/12-11/15 We joined the ASPEN2019(8th International Conference of Asian Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology)
2019/10/01-10/04 We joined the IWPMA2019
2019/09/15-09/18 We joined the 19th International Symposium on Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics (ISEM 2019)
2019/09/04-09/06 We joined the 8th IFAC Symposium on Mechatronic Systems and 11th IFAC Symposium on Nonlinear Control Systems
2019/06/09-06/12 We joined the Asia Pacific Measurement Forum on Mechanical Quantities, 2019
2019/06/09-06/12 We joined The 12th Asian control confcerence
2019/04/24-04/27 We joined the ICMDT2019
2019/06/09-06/12 We joined the The 12th Asian control confcerence
2019/01/31 Are you enjoy the Actuator Special Issues Magnetic Bearing Actuators?
2018/11/12-11/16 We joined the International Conference on Precision Engineerinng
2018/11/14-11/16 We joined the Asiahaptics
2018/12/12-12/14 We joined the International Display Workshop
2018/12/17-12/19 We joined the 57th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2018)
2018/09/11-09/14 We joined the SICE Annual Conference 2018 (SICE 2018)
2018/09/11-09/14 We joined the International Workshop on Piezoelectric Materials and Applications in Actuators (IWPMA2018)
2018/10/17-10/20 We joined The 18th International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS 2018)
2018/10/21-10/23 We joined the 44th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON 2018)
2018/10/22-10/25 We joined the IEEE UFFC Internatinal Ultrasonics Symposium
2018/09/03-09/06 We joined the IMEKO XXII World Congress
2018/08/13-08/17 We joined The 16th International Symposium on Magnetic Bearings (ISMB16)
2018/08/29-08/31 We joind the Acoustofluidics 2018
2018/08/29-08/31 We joined The 14th International Conference on Motion and Vibration Control (MoViC 2018)
2018/06/25-06/27 We joined the ACTUATOR 2018
2018/06/13-06/16 We joined the EUROHAPTICS 2018
2018/06/12-06/15 We joined the European Control Conference 2018 (ECC'18)
2018/04/18-20 We joined the Techno-Frontier 2018
2017/12/18-12/20 We joined the International Congress on Ultrasonics
2017/12/17-12/20 We joined The 2017 Asian Control Conference – ASCC 2017
2017/12/12-12/15 We joined the 56th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2017)
2017/10/01 Prof. Hara was promoted to associate professor and moved to the measurement laboratory.
2017/12/6-12/8 We joined The 24th International Display Workshop
2017/11/21-11/24 We joined The 4th International Conference on Advanced Electromaterials
2017/11/14-11/17 We joined The 7th International Conference of Asian Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology (ASPEN2017)
2017/9/19-9/22 We joined the SICE Annual Conference 2017
2017/9/11-9/14 We joined the IWPMA 2017
2017/7/8-7/14 We joined the IFAC 2017
2017/7/3-7/7 We joined the IEEE International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM2017)
2017/6/6-6/9 We joined the IEEE World Haptics 2017
2017/4/16-4/22 We joined the ICMDT2017
2016/11/29-12/1 We joined the AsiaHaptics 2016
2016/10/09-12 We joined the SMC 2016
We joined the Movic 2016
We joined the ISMB 15

Research grant

Japan Society for the Promotion of Science KAKENHI

Contact us
+81-48-858-3453 Phone +81-48-856-2577 FAX

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